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ID Centred Collaborative Innovation System



Moma in the past few years projects continue to actively explore, puts forward a set of their own unique cultural and creative theory of product design and development: through the design practice of commercial thinking, aesthetic experience and technical breakthrough as one plus the vertical to create innovative thinking, creative design the field of closed-loop, establish a perfect creative ecological circulation system. In view of the different attributes and characteristics of these four fields, we give different innovative strategies. To culture, product development, space construction, service operations as the core, with the concept of service as the lead, to build a complete innovation system.

尼玛县| 邓州市| 京山县| 探索| 衡阳市| 怀柔区| 缙云县| 台江县| 汝州市| 当雄县| 沅陵县| 泗阳县| 广汉市| 泰兴市| 湘潭县| 阿克苏市| 富宁县| 山阴县| 龙口市| 沂源县| 鹤壁市| 武定县| 罗山县| 木兰县| 乌审旗| 垦利县| 连云港市| 临泽县| 大洼县| 稻城县| 新田县| 邵东县| 鹤壁市| 张家口市| 嘉义市| 汝南县| 霞浦县| 赫章县| 大城县| 沭阳县| 盈江县|